May 17, 2010

Fitness, Free, Food

I am proud of myself for being in a fitness kick right now. I, with horror, discovered I'd let myself get a little too squishy over the winter when I went dress shopping for my birthday. Even my arms were flabby, which is SO not acceptable, so I've been going to the gym more regularly and watching my food better. I hate working out but I love the feeling of being strong, of feeling kick-ass, of being in shape, so usually once I get started, it's easier to continue. I am relishing the idea of being toned and sexy again. Of course I tend to overdo it the first few times, so now my back muscles are screaming at me. I'm going to take it as a sign of progress that my abs no longer are the ones so sore it hurts to laugh. Not that I'm close to having a six-pack, but it's an ideal. I love good abs, on girls or guys. I'm just not willing to give up the bread and cheese and beer required to have them.

Went to see the Youth Sympony Orchestra at the Carpenter Center last night. I love that my city has so many things going on, and I can see orchestral music for free. (Thanks, Style Weekly for the notice). I probably will never get to sit that close to the stage again. I love the crazy colors and decor of that theatre. My coworker asked me this morning how I find out about all these cool things, and I told her about Style (I'm always amazed when people don't know about Style, but then, I guess I'm probably more active than the average person). I should probably be telling her to go to the site I write for instead, (well, only as it relates to food).

The violin looks like such an easy instrument, but of course it isn't, that just means that the musician is good at it. I remember a guy from another school at a leadership conference I went to in high school could play violin, and even then, it was the hottest thing ever (well, 10th grade hot, before we really knew what hot was). Girls are always suckers for musicians, aren't we? Throw in singing too? Sold.

It's slow at work because we are in between semesters, and while I guess I shouldn't complain, I like,nay, need to be busy. I should use the opportunity to pay bills and write, but I'm not wanting to live in the real world at the moment after the great weeks and weekends I've had lately.

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